LINK Yapı explained the Digital Transformation of Building Materials at the BIMDays Event.
BIMDays: Digital Transformation of Building Materials Istanbul
The "BIMDays: Digital Transformation of Building Materials" event, organized by BIM4TURKEY with the contributions of the Turkish Design Foundation and the TMMOB Chamber of Interior Architects, was held on January 31 at the Kuzguncuk Turkish Design Foundation.
Arda Karabulut, LINK Yapı Proje Sales & Business Development Director, took part as a speaker in the section where “Digital Transformation and Future in Modular Support Systems” was discussed at the event.
In the event where LINK Yapı is one of the sponsors; Topics such as the present and future of building materials, their digitalization, sustainability and their impact on the circular economy were discussed. In BIM-based projects where information-laden digital building materials are integrated, the technical data of the materials and the energy processes of the projects can be tested, environmental effects (sun, wind, precipitation, etc.) can be studied with simulations, thus providing the necessary environment for the construction of sustainability and performance-oriented structures.
BIM processes integrated with Building Materials also provide a way for states to produce structures with maximum social, economic and ecological values with low budgets.
In this context, Link Yapı continues its BIM studies and shares its knowledge with industry professionals.